Brilliant Book Club
Guidelines when writing your brilliant book review
An ORIGINAL review written by yourself that is not published elsewhere, reposted, or printed in a book, magazine, newspaper, app, website, social media feed or publicly accessible online community
Reviews to be written in English.
Sources used in the review are referenced and acknowledged to avoid plagiarism.
Reviews submitted will be reviewed by the editorial team to ensure that it meets our target audience and at times, a legal review may be conducted.
Length of reviews 500 words maximum.
Other considerations
Reviews to be submitted in Microsoft Word
When submitting reviews with links, please include sources
Please do not use any images that are copyrighted
Please do not submit revisions of work we’ve already considered unless there is an error in the publication
Please tag reviews with BRILLIANT BOOK CLUB when submitting (e.g. #thebrilliantfoundationbookclub)
Gratefully yours.